I have had some people ask me recently, ” why does my cigar lighter not lock into place?”. I then ask what else they use the socket for and nearly everyone says either to charge their phones or power their sat-navs. What this does is push the spring pins out from where they were designed to be, the result being that the cigar lighter has nothing left to lock into to whilst the element is heating. To replair this fault is quite simple, 1st find the fuse that controls the cigar lighter. Remove that fuse. Now remove the cigar lighter element or any other adapter that you have in plugged in. You will see on either side is 2 bits of metal that should stand proud from the body, these will also have slipts in them. Using a thin screwdriver, gently open out both of these. Your cigar lighter should now lock into position, but be careful, if you have opened them too much then when the element gets to the release temp it will shoot out so please test careful a couple of times. Oh and remeber to refit the fuse prior to testing!!!!!!!.